Xlight FTP Server Help Document

Main Window

Toolbar Buttons

Create a new virtual server

Remove a virtual server

Modify the virtual server configuration

User list (create, copy, remove a user or modify a user's configuration)

Group list (create, copy, remove a group or modify a group's configuration)
User connection details
Global options (server bandwidth, NAT/firewall, remote administration, SSL certification, ODBC database and server log settings)
Help document
Enter user registration license, Xlight FTP Server version information

Virtual Server Control Buttons

Start all virtual servers

Stop all virtual servers

Start the selected virtual server

Stop the selected virtual server

Pause the selected virtual server (When a virtual server is paused, it will not accept any new users, but current online users will be kept.)

Other Buttons

Display online administrators (Online administrators are those who connect to the Xlight FTP Server through the Remote Administration GUI)

Display the FTP session and error log on the screen

Server network interface cards