Xlight FTP Server Help Document

Global Options - Log

System Error Log

The system error log will record system errors in the FTP server.

Don't send log to screen - After this option is enabled, the system error log will not be sent to the screen.

Write log to file - Write system error log to file

Log filename - The name of system error log file

Maximum size of log file (MB) - The maximum size of a log in MB. When the file size is over the maximum size, the contents of the log file will back up to the file with extensions ".000", ".001" ..., and the original log file will be truncated back to 0 bytes. 0(default) means there is no limitation on the size of the log file.

Syslog server - The IP address or hostname of the Syslog server. For non-standard syslog port(514), the port must be specified after IP/hostname with a ":" character, such as "". To specify a port for IPv6 address, address must be inside the "[]", for example "[3ffe:b00:ffff:2::]:520".

FTP Session Log - Basic Options

FTP Session Log will record request and response messages of FTP sessions between virtual servers and FTP clients.

Don't send log to screen - After this option is enabled, the FTP session log will not be sent to the screen.

Write log to file - Write FTP session log to file

Log filename - The name of the FTP session log file

Maximum size of log file (MB) - The maximum log file size in MB. When file size is over the maximum size, the contents of the log file will backup to a file with extensions ".000", ".001" ..., and the original log file will be truncated back to 0 bytes. 0(default) means there is no limit on log file size.

Automatically rotating log file by date - Setup the type of automatic log file rotation: Never, Daily, Weekly, Monthly. The creation date of the rotation log file will be appended to the filename of the log file.

Syslog server - The IP address or hostname of the Syslog server. For non-standard syslog port(514), the port must be specified after IP/hostname with a ":" character, such as "". To specify a port for IPv6 address, address must be inside the "[]", for example "[3ffe:b00:ffff:2::]:520".

FTP Session Log - Advanced Options

Log by session direction

Server response - Log responses from the FTP server only

Client request - Log requests from FTP clients only

Both directions - Log both responses from the FTP server and requests from FTP clients

Log by client actions

File downloaded - Log files download of FTP clients

File uploaded - Log files upload of FTP clients

File delete - Log files delete of FTP clients

Create directory - Log directory creation of FTP clients

Change directory - Log directory change of FTP clients

Filter logs by the following rules

Log specified clients' IP - Log FTP session only for users whose IP addresses are in the list

Log specified FTP users - Log FTP session only for users in the list

Log specified FTP groups - Log FTP session only for groups in the list.

Log specified time ranges - Log FTP session only when the time is within time ranges in the list

Log specified virtual servers - Log FTP session only for virtual servers in the list

Files Transfer Log - UNIX xferlog Format

Record files transfer log in UNIX xferlog format will allow the system administrator to use Log Analyzers such as AWStats to generate statistics for the FTP server.

Log filename - The name of xferlog file

Maximum size of log file (MB) - The maximum size of a log in MB. When the file size is over the maximum size, the contents of the log file will back up to the file with extensions ".000", ".001"..., and the original log file will be truncated back to 0 bytes. 0(default) means there is no limitation on the size of the log file.

Automatically rotating log file by date - Setup the type of automatic log file rotation: Never, Daily, Weekly, Monthly. The creation date of the rotation log file will be appended to the filename of the log file.

Syslog server - The IP address or hostname of the Syslog server. For non-standard syslog port(514), the port must be specified after IP/hostname with a ":" character, such as "". To specify a port for IPv6 address, address must be inside the "[]", for example "[3ffe:b00:ffff:2::]:520".

Files Transfer Log - Logging to Database

Enable Logging Files Transfer to Database- Enable the function to log files transfer to the database through ODBC. You can click this link for details about how to set it up.